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Speaker Details

Chattanooga, TN | October 27-31

Check out all our dynamic speakers offering a range of programs that will motivate, inspire, and educate.

President & CEO




Be sure to check out the exclusive one-on-one sessions with Lalit at SRAPPA 2024. Calendar Link:
With more than two decades of transformative leadership experience within the educational facilities management sector, Agarwal stood out among a robust pool of highly qualified applicants to lead this 110-year-old association that supports the professionals who design, plan, manage, and maintain the physical campuses of colleges, universities, K12, and other educational institutions around the world. Agarwal served as the Vice President of Energy Management & Sustainability at EnergyCAP, an energy management & sustainability software solutions company. Before joining EnergyCAP, Agarwal worked for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for more than 20 years, where he served in various leadership roles, including Executive Director of University Operations, which equipped him with a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing educational facilities organizations.